Measuring our Impact

Our goal is to have a measurable impact on the mining communities we engage. We continuously measure the progress of our programmes to ensure that we maximise our reach and the social return on our investment and grant capital.

How we define success

Our success is measured by our ability to enable broad livelihood improvements in mining communities.

How we operationalise success

We leverage the power of multi-stakeholder partnerships to deliver lasting impact for cobalt-rich communities.

How we enable Impact

Value Chain Participation

How we deliver impact

Safe & Fair Working Conditions

Child Labour Prevention & Remediation

Economic Resilience

How we measure Impact

The FCA Monitoring & Evaluation Framework

We utilise result chains to outline logical links between our key activities and outputs, outcomes and eventually impact.

These are our key metrics to allow us to measure shorter- and longer-term change from our specific activities.

Access our Framework Here

Knowledge Repository

Open Data Repository The Annual Survey of the FCA (1st Ed.)

Every year, we conduct a statistically relevant perception survey study at Kamilombe to understand changes in trends, contextualise impact, and inform our priorities.

We are committed to open source data sharing. Accompanying the Report, we also share the datasets, codes and questionnaires for any interested researcher to use.

Access our Annual Survey Report (1st Ed) Here

The 2023 Baseline Dataset

Download here

The 2023 Questionnaires

Download here

The 2024 Baseline Dataset

Download here

The 2024 Questionnaires

Download here