Turning Cobalt Wealth into Community Prosperity: A Landmark Convening at Bellagio
Last week, at the prestigious The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center on the shores of Lake Como, a diverse group of global stakeholders gathered to tackle the complex challenges and unlock opportunities linked to the artisanal and small-scale copper-cobalt sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): How can the country’s vast artisanal copper-cobalt wealth be transformed into sustainable community prosperity?
The event, co-hosted by Entreprise Générale du Cobalt and The Impact Facility, was selected by Rockerfeller from over 600 applications to convene at Bellagio, underlining the critical importance of this dialogue in the global drive for responsible mineral sourcing and a just energy transition.
The convening brought together DRC government representatives, industrial mining leaders, commodity traders, development practitioners, financial institutions, the OECD, and other international partners, with additional participants joining online. This diverse group of experts and stakeholders fostered the foundation for a transformative dialogue on the professionalisation and sustainability of the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector in the DRC.

(Row 1 Left to right): M. Miema Miema, A. Bukasa, E. Kalala, A.M. Fleury, J.L. Mathey, S. Olsson, T. Mpanu
Mpanu,; (Row 2 left to right): A. Omatuku Dieng, A. Petrangeli, D. Sturmes, L. Farley, L. Maiotti, E. Kwe, P. Handley, P. Mabolia Yenga, A. Carter, R. Robinson, L. Berns, E. Bokakandani,D. McEvoy, D. Mbayo Ngoie
Why This Convening Mattered
Artisanal copper-cobalt mining in the DRC is a crucial economic sector, directly employing between 150,000 and 250,000 miners and supporting the livelihoods of over a million people. However, despite ongoing efforts to formalise the sector under the DRC Mining Code, artisanal mining largely remains informal, with operations often conducted under hazardous conditions and without adequate governance structures.
Recognising the strategic importance of cobalt—an essential mineral for battery production and the energy transition—the DRC government has mandated Entreprise Générale du Cobalt to oversee responsible sourcing, processing, and export of artisanal cobalt. However, unlocking the full potential of the ASM sector requires a robust, scalable model that balances economic viability with stringent environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards.
Key Discussions and Outcomes
Entreprise Générale du Cobalt is currently in the process of setting up the first two pilot mine sites, with the support of Gecamines, The Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA), the GIZ-run project Cobalt 4 Development (C4D), Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), RCS Global Group with a traceability solution funded by the U.S. Department of Labour through the Global Trace Protocol Project managed by ELEVATE, a LRQA company.
Over three days, participants engaged in deep discussions, applying their expertise to define the core principles for developing a legal and responsible artisanal mining sector. They also developed a clear roadmap for the future outlining tangible commitments to support the initial pilots and the subsequent scaling of EGC’s operations.
1. Defining Success: Principles for Responsible Artisanal Mining
- – Participants aligned on the need for rigorous safety, environmental, and labor standards at the operational level.
- – The importance of formalising ASM operations through enforcement of clear regulatory frameworks as per the DRC law was emphasised.
- – Stakeholders recognised that economic incentives and business model viability are critical for ensuring that artisanal miners and their communities benefit from responsible cobalt production.
- – Outlined the opportunity to use current efforts to formalise the ASM sector to de-risk ASM for large-scale industry mining activities.
2. Business Models and Scaling Responsible ASM
- – EGC’s pilot project was analysed, with stakeholders discussing key barriers to scaling a responsible ASM model.
- – Participants explored financing options, with financial institutions expressing interest in investment opportunities, contingent on clear governance and market access.
- – There was consensus that downstream buyers, including those in the automotive and electronics industries, must take a more proactive role in creating demand for responsibly sourced ASM cobalt.
3. Governance and Institutional Coordination
- – A recurring challenge discussed was the complexity of governance structures within the DRC mining sector.
- – The need to leverage inter-agency coordination was highlighted, with calls for a dedicated steering committee to drive policy coherence and decision-making.
- – Stakeholders recognised the pivotal role of the DRC government in stabilising the market, especially in light of recent policy shifts, such as the temporary suspension of cobalt exports.

Agathe Bukasa, FCA’s Executive Director and other stakeholders during one of the sessions.
Commitments and Next Steps
The convening concluded with concrete commitments from participants, laying the groundwork for collaborative action beyond Bellagio:
- – EGC will refine their business model, integrating feedback from financial institutions, regulators, and industry stakeholders.
- – Opportunities to mobilise financing for EGC from various DRC state and financial institutions will be explored by strengthening relationships with funding institutions and state-backed initiatives dedicated to supporting the mining sector.
- – An ASM governance mapping exercise will be conducted, to clarify decision-making processes and regulatory responsibilities to catalyse synergies and collaboration.
- – Efforts to integrate responsibly sourced ASM cobalt into global supply chains will be strengthened, working with responsibly operating smelters and trading houses.
- – A series of follow-up engagements are planned throughout 2025, including optimising key industry events such as the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains, DRC Mining Week, and EU Raw Materials Week, where updates on the progress of the roadmap commitments and action will be shared.
Call to Action
This convening was a significant step toward refining a clear vision for unlocking the full potential of the ASM copper-cobalt sector in the DRC. Building on the progress already made, we must now accelerate efforts to ensure the sector is not only profitable but also ethical and sustainable. Achieving this will require ongoing collaboration, investment, and policy alignment.
We extend our sincere gratitude to The Rockefeller Foundation and The Bellagio Center for hosting this critical dialogue, and to all participants—both in-person and online—for their dedication to catalysing progress.
For stakeholders who want to learn more, get involved, or support the professionalisation of ASM cobalt mining, we invite you to connect with The Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA) and Entreprise Générale du Cobalt (EGC). Together, we can turn cobalt wealth into lasting community prosperity.

The different stakeholders in attendance take a break outside the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center on the shores of Lake Como.
#ResponsibleCobalt #ASM #SustainableMining #EnergyTransition #BellagioConvening